Lena Pope


Lena Pope works to improve child well-being in Tarrant County, serving 4,000 children and families each year. They provide evidence-based, research-tested programs focusing on prevention and early intervention services that support child development and improve the behavioral and mental health of children and families.

The Director of Counseling for the 30-therapist team requested that we provide a half-day retreat for their staff wellness day.


We created a custom, half-day event for the team that was part training and part retreat. They learned a variety of stress-reduction techniques they could use during their workday to continue to recover. Training covered the neuroscience behind this work, and we ended with an hour-long gentle trauma-informed yoga class. Participants could choose to sit in the chair for yoga, or get on a yoga mat.

Each participant received unlimited free access to The Daily Well for six months so they could continue trauma-informed yoga and mindfulness classes on their own.


Feedback was extremely positive, and we’ve been asked back to provide a company-wide at the annual meeting.

“Our team spent four hours with Lauren, and it was amazing! We were able to learn so many skills that we can use in our personal and professional lives. Lauren is a wealth of knowledge, is able to make everyone feel safe and relaxed, and is well-worth whatever time and money you invest into this experience.” - Shana Hazard, Director of Counseling Services


Alliance for Children


Volunteers of America